The Joy of the Lord
Greig Garratt speaks about how we are people of joy – and how joy is a central theme in the scriptures – at NCMI Equip Gauteng 2017 – Wednesday evening (launch evening).
Greig Garratt speaks about how we are people of joy – and how joy is a central theme in the scriptures – at NCMI Equip Gauteng 2017 – Wednesday evening (launch evening).
Bruce Benge | at NCMI Connect Gauteng, 20 July 2017 – Bruce Benge, from New Zealand, provides a very helpful picture of healthy leadership in the local church.
Nigel Day-Lewis | at NCMI Connect Gauteng, 22 June 2017
Nigel Day-Lewis | at NCMI Connect Gauteng, 22 June 2017
We are trusting God for revival in Portugal and that’s the theme for this year’s Equip. Here are all the details if you would like to join.
3000 church leaders expected to attend the Malawi Equip this year!
Tyrone Daniel | Friday, 5 May 2017 | Prophecy and tongues recording also available
by John Mphaphuli | at NCMI Connect, 23 March 2017 | Presentation included
The Positioning the Prophetic team will be ministering in Lighthouse to the Nations Church from 3 – 5 February. This is also for all NCMI partnering churches.
There are so many people preaching about the Holy Spirit who haven’t come to the place where they know what it means to be ministered to by Him. His role in the church is absolutely critical.
Alan Parfitt shares on how the church is meant to be a stream of God’s presence in our cities. This is transcribed from his message at Equip Gauteng 2016.
by Tyrone Daniel | Equip Gauteng 2016, 7 October 2016 – Session 2 (Friday morning)