Positioning the Prophetic – February
The Positioning the Prophetic team will be ministering in Lighthouse to the Nations Church from 3 – 5 February. This is also for all NCMI partnering churches.
The Holy Spirit and His Anointing
There are so many people preaching about the Holy Spirit who haven’t come to the place where they know what it means to be ministered to by Him. His role in the church is absolutely critical.
Streams that Make Glad the City
Alan Parfitt shares on how the church is meant to be a stream of God’s presence in our cities. This is transcribed from his message at Equip Gauteng 2016.
Guard Your Heart
by Tyrone Daniel | Equip Gauteng 2016, 7 October 2016 – Session 3 (Friday evening)
Leaders: Pursue Christ, pt 2
by Tyrone Daniel | Equip Gauteng 2016, 7 October 2016 – Session 2 (Friday morning)
Leaders: Pursue Christ, pt 1
by Tyrone Daniel | Equip Gauteng 2016, 7 October 2016 – Session 1 (Friday morning)
by Ed Strong | Equip Gauteng 2016, 6 October 2016 – Session 4 (Thursday morning)
Personal Finances
by John Mphaphuli | Equip Gauteng 2016, 6 October 2016 – Session 3 (Thursday morning)
To Make Him Known
by Tony Sivewright | Equip Gauteng 2016, 6 October 2016 – Session 2 (Thursday morning )
The Holy Spirit and His Anointing
by Greig Garratt | Equip Gauteng 2016, 6 October 2016 – Session 1 (Thursday morning)
Psalm 46 (Streams That Make Glad the City)
by Alan Parfitt | Equip Gauteng 2016, 5 October 2016 – Session 1 (Wed evening)